
Showing posts from April, 2024

A 65Y/M with altered sensorium secondary to neurodegerative disease ?Dementia (Alzheimers)

 This is a very interesting case of a patient who presented to the casuality with a GCS score of E2V(tracheostomy)M2 and  patient was unconscious , came with history of 2 episodes vomitings since the morning of 12-04-2024 , containing food material , non-projectile , non-bilious , non blood stained  reflexes          right   left  biceps              +2       - triceps             +2        +1 supinator        +1         - knee                  -           - ankle               +1          +1 plantar             E            E Tone : Right UL & LL : hypertonia              Left UL & LL : hypotonia Respiratory system  -decreased breath sounds present  - b/l ae+ History of presenting illness 

65Y/M with acromegaly , varicose veins and vision defect

A 65 year old male who is a daily wage labourer by occupation and a resident of suryapet presented to the opthalmology opd with  chief complaints of   c/o blurring of vision in both eyes since 1 year c/oburning sensation in both eyes since 1 year  HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS  The patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 year ago , then developed blurring of vision in both eyes , associated with burning sensation and watering of eyes  n/h/o foreign body sensation  h/o headache since 1 year which is dragging in type subsides in the night increases on straining vision   PAST HISTORY  n/k/c/o DM2 , HTN , THYROID , EPILEPSY , TB , CVA, CAD TREATMENT HISTORY  no previous hospital admissions  no previous blood transfusions  PERSONAL HISTORY  appetite: normal  diet : mixed bowel and bladder : regular and normal  addictions : alcohol since 4 years weekly twice                        smoker since 40 years chutta-daily 7 chutta   allergies:  not known  FAMILY HISTORY  no h/o DM,HTN,EPILEPSY , CAD