
Showing posts from July, 2021


General medicine July assignment I have reviewed the june assignment of roll number 9   -the reviews were very well thought-out   and it was clear that the student has done a through review of the cases presented to them . -the case reviews for hepatology and pulmonology were a bit lacking -the gastroenterology and neurology cases were extremely well done and the detailed findings made it easy to understand -the font was easy to read but the background color of the text made it difficult to read, a more lighter color would captivate the readers attention This is my case study for july -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE REVIEW Case -1

General medicine elog 2

Anahita behara  roll no 08 This is an online e-log platform to discuss case scenarios of a patient with their guardian's permission. I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of patient clinical data analysis to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including, history, clinical findings, investigations, and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan ongoing case    A 75 year old male patient had come to the OP with complaints of left sided weakness and deviation of mouth to right side . He has a history of diabetes and hypertension since the past 8 years Patient was apparently asymptomatic until 5 pm yesterday (17/7/21)  • At 5 pm - Could not hold the tea cup with his hands and spilled it all over him. Following which his wife applied lotion over his abdomen and they had dinner and watched TV.  • At 2 am - He called his wife because he could not move his Left UL (upper limb) and he couldn’t talk properly and the

general medicine monthly assignment (june 2021) by Anahita Behara

 general medicine monthly assignment (june 2021) by Anahita Behara QUESTION 1 peer review of 10  randomly selected elogs of 2017 batch Case 1 Roll number 40   A 52 year old female patient came to OPD on 19th of may with the chief complaints of    FEVER  since 10 days  BREATHLESSNESS  since 3 days  INTERMITTENT COUGH  since 3 days   The provisional diagnosis was : Severe Covid pneumonia   What could have been done better  : there could have been more inclusion of pictures of the patient’s chest X rays also a through report of the systemic exam of respiratory system could have been provided for reference , further investigations were not listed.   What was well done  : the general examination and history of the patient was very concise and easy to understand   Grade: 6/10   Case 2 Roll number 41   A 28 year male who is electrician and a resident of Nalgonda was admitted to hospital on 25/05/2021 with chief complaints of - Fever since 4 days -Co