Case report of Acetamiprid poisoning with Turquoise vomitus
Introduction Acetamiprid belongs to a new systemic neonicotinoid insecticide that is effectively used for crop protection and flea control in agricultural works [ 1 ]. It has low toxicity in mammals, but ingestion of large amounts can cause severe toxicity. It is described in a case report that a buffalo exhibited severe gastrointestinal symptoms and respiratory distress following accidental ingestion of acetamiprid in India [ 2 ]. Here we describe a case of a 34 year old male with diabetic ketoacidosis and acetamiprid ingestion Case Report This is the case of a 34 year old male who is a resident of Nalgonda m, Telangana , who is a farmer by occupation , was brought to the casuality at 6:00am with history of Acetamipride 20% (insecticide) ingestion approximately 50gm powder in 2 glasses of water , he presented with 3 episodes of turquoise colored vomitus and shortness of breath since 1:00am There is n/h/o pain abdomen , giddiness , nausea , chest pain...